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Wednesday, 12 July 2017

1).Introduction to BizTalk Server(BTS)

BizTalk Server is software product from Microsoft which comes under Middleware platform. It allows any 2 or more systems connect and communicate with the help of something called Adapters

Adapters are the endpoints in BTS. 

There are wide verities of adapters that are available out of the box in BizTalk. There are also third party vendors that wrote the custom adapters that help BizTalk connect to the external systems where Microsoft doesn't have the adapter out of the box.

Throughout the article I will be using the names BizTalk Server, BTS, BizTalk interchangeably.

BTS has many Components but it very unlikely that everyone used everything on regular basis. Following are main concepts(Artifacts) that I will be covering here in this blog for now. I shall be adding the concepts going forward.

  • Receive Pipelines
  • Send Pipelines
  1. Receive Ports( Receive Locations )
  2. Send Ports
6).Send Port Groups


Sending Email to Multiple recipients using PowerShell

Hi All,  Below is the working code to Send emails to Multiple recipients using PowerShell. [STRING]$PSEmailServer = "YourSMTPServerIPOr...